Do you constantly feel tired and lack energy? Physical and mental fatigue can occur during many daily activities : work, leisure, chores, etc.

The choice is yours: stay tired throughout the day, or, when you wake up, use strategies to increase your energy.

Fundamentally, energy conservation is balance – balance between your daily work, leisure, and self-care activities.

How to achieve balance and increase energy?

Use the PDPP Method:


Before starting your day, think about what you have to do, and what you want to do. If you have more than one thing to do in one day, begin with the most important task, when you are most motivated.


Optimize energy with the following strategies:

Plan your activities in advance to avoid extra trips.
Gather supplies before beginning an activity.
Alternate between high and low energy activities.
Disperse intense activities throughout the week, to avoid doing too many or too few activities in one day.
Planifiez votre journée / Plan your day


You have several important or time-consuming activities to do in one day? Seperate them into smaller and less demanding tasks (ex: do a few small chores at a time).

Take a break before getting tired: If you know you have a tendency to feel tired after doing a certain activity, get some rest before reaching your limit.


The posture you adopt during an activity can affect your energy level.

Avoid constrictive or repetitive postures:

  • Bending your back;
  • Reaching very high objects;
  • Sitting for long periods of time;
  • Standing for long periods of time.

Try to maintain a neutral posture.