The Holidays are coming up! Although this season brings joy to many, for some, it can be stressful, exhausting and discouraging.

52% of Canadians report feelings of anxiety, depression and isolation during the Holiday season.

–       Canadian Mental Health Association, december2022

Here are 5 Tips to Manage and Protect your Mental Health during the Holidays

1. Reduce Perfectionism

The goal of having the “perfect day” can create so much stress. Without realizing, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be better: Is my meal as delicious as the one I made last year? Are my decorations as pretty as the neighbours’? Is my gift as thoughtful as my friend’s?

It is important to remember that striving for perfection is not an obligation; it’s a choice. Rather than compare yourself to others, choose to respect your limits, whether it is as a chef, as the host, as a guest, etc.

2. Maintain a Balanced Routine

During the Holidays, we put ourselves at risk of doing too much: over-eating, over-drinking, over-spending, etc. The instant gratification feels good in the moment, but there are always consequences to over-indulging. Throughout your celebrations, remember to meet your needs for physical activity and sleep. This will make the transition to your regular routine after the Holidays much easier.

3. Practice Self-Care

Holiday traditions can be very social. Even if you enjoy the work parties and family dinners, it’s normal to want to take a moment for yourself. When needed, take a break in a quiet corner or go take a walk outside to breathe. It is even more important to practice self-care activities during changes in our routine.

Give yourself permission to do what’s best for you. Don’t feel guilty for cancelling an event if necessary.

Prendre soin de soi / Self-care

4. Accept a ‘New Normal’

If you are embracing new traditions this year, don’t be afraid! It’s important to ajdust at your own pace. Take the time to learn and adapt to this ‘new normal’, and focus on what you can control: self-care, balance, letting go, etc.

5. Ask for Help

Although these tips can help, if you feel that your mental health is out of your control, consult a healthcare professional. Occupational Therapy for mental health can be an excellent starting point.