What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology utilises physical activity and movement in order to generate health benefits.

How can a kinesiologist help me?

A kinesiologist guides clients in regaining their mobility, strength, and muscle endurance, as well as improving their cardiovascular capacity, in order for them to return to their regular activities (social, work, day-to-day) safely and durably.

Our experienced kinesiologist is an expert in human biomechanics. As a result, the interventions have an important positive impact on our clients’ physical and mental health.

75 to 80 % of health problems can be prevented by good life habits.

Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec, 2019

I am not injured. Why should I start a kinesiology program?

Kinesiology allows you to:

Mental HealthPhysical Health
Increase energyIncrease strength in order to put in more effort
Improve concentrationReduce risk of injury
Reduce fatigueImprove posture
increase efficiencyIncrease energy

Throughout the kinesiology program, clients are professionally supervised and guided towards a safe return to their regular activities.

  • Services offered in our newly renovated gym or virtually in the comfort of your home
  • Private sessions covered by many insurance providers
  • Services offered in french or in english
  • New availabilities – start your program today

The kinesiologist is the only health care professional that utlises physical activity as a primary method to optimize one’s global health.

Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec, 2021